

Hello, all!

We are currently working on a new website for WINDFALL. It will help make things a lot easier for people to get updated on new events and screenings. WINDFALL THE MOVIE WEBSITE.

There are also a lot of new screenings & events lined up for the film.
Here you are:

Environmental Film Festival in Washington DC at AFI Silver Theater 5PM on March 19th
Director Laura Israel will be there to answer questions, along with Lisa Linowes, Executive Director of the Industrial Wind Action Group

Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival  March 20th at 9:30 AM
Discussion with Laura Israel to follow

In competition at the Florida Film Festival, screenings on April 9 and April 13
Windfall – Florida Film Festival 2011 / April 8-April 17

Clayton Screening of WINDFALL on local news

This broadcast can really help with people’s interest to the film:
PBS Newshour report on community’s reaction to living near a wind turbine
NewsHour Connect: Mass. Community Reacts to Living Near Wind Turbines | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS
These are just a few things that have been going on along with many other big events. Please keep your eyes peeled and check out the new website!